A Celebration of Prosthodontics: Bringing Chicago to you


Date: Saturday, February 27th, 2021
Schedule: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM EST
Location: Virtual Program. Live on Zoom
Click here to Register: http://bit.ly/3dOdtZv

10:00–10:07 Introduction

10:07–10:15 GC Platinum Corporate Forum

10:15–11:30 Panel #1: Digital Dentures: The Future is Now

Moderator: Dr. Carlo Poggio
Panellists: Drs. Nelson Silva, Lucio Lo Russo, Valerie McMillan

Panel Outline
There has been a substantial shift in the field of removable prosthodontics, since the introduction of Digital Dentures in the dental market, a decade ago. Our three panellists have been instrumental in playing a major role in this evolution and will discuss the protocols that they are using and give us a bird’s eye view into the bright future in denture therapy.

Session Objectives

  1. Understand the challenges when incorporating digital denture protocols
  2. The attendee will be introduced to the newest cutting edge techniques
  3. Provide clinical recommendations for simplified and predictable long-term outcomes in denture therapy

11:30-11:45 Gold Corporate Forum #1
Sponsor: Ivoclar Vivadent
Sponsor: Sterngold

11:45-13:00 Panel #2: The Business of Dentistry in the Pandemic Era

Moderator: Dr. Izchak Barzilay
Panellists: Eric Wenzel (3M Oral Care), Steven Kess (Henry Schein),
Aaron Lipton (123Dentist)

Panel Outline
The recent pandemic had a tremendous effect on dental practices, manufacturers and distributors of dental supplies. Our panellists will discuss these effects, the changes that they have caused and the long-term impact on our profession.

Session Objectives

  1. To understand the challenges that dental practices, manufacturers and distributors are facing during the pandemic
  2. To introduce the steps that were taken to overcome the supply chain disruption
  3. To discuss guidelines that could help attendees prepare for the future
  4. To outline how practitioners, manufacturers and distributors could coordinate their efforts to avoid similar pitfalls in the future

13:00-13:15 Gold Corporate Forum #2
Sponsor: 3M
Sponsor: Straumann

13:15-14:30 Panel #3: Implant Challenges in the Esthetic Zone:
Ask the Experts

Moderator: Dr. Effie Habsha
Panellists: Drs. Joseph Kan, Dennis Tarnow, Stavros Pelekanos

Panel Outline
Anterior implant esthetics can often pose esthetic challenges. Our three panellists will discuss the protocols that they have used in order to obtain successful long-term outcomes during implant therapy in the anterior zone.

Session Objectives

  1. Understand the prosthetic and surgical challenges in the esthetic zone
  2. Understand the treatment planning process in anterior implant restorations
  3. Understand the prosthetic and surgical factors for successful long-term outcomes in the esthetic zone
  4. Provide clinical recommendations for predictable long-term outcomes in anterior implant restorations

14:30-14:45 Gold Corporate Forum #3
Sponsor: Southern Implants
Sponsor: Nobel Biocare

14:45-15:15 APS Social Event
Moderator: Dr. Cortes
APS Business Meeting
Sign MOU with the Greek Prosthodontic Society

“Ten Tips on how to Enjoy Food & Wine to the Fullest in 10 minutes”
Presented by: Anthony Makoujy, Certified Sommelier & General Manager of Barons Creek Vineyards, Fredericksburg, Georgetown & Granbury, Texas

Plus, a chance to win one of 4 Wine Trio-Packs shipped to your front door

The schedule is subject to change

This continuing education activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (ADA CERP) through joint efforts between The American College of Prosthodontists and The American Prosthodontic Society.

The American College of Prosthodontists designates this activity for 4.00 continuing education credits.

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