The Digital Revolution in dentistry is happening Now !
The Perfactory Vida
This desktop 3D printer from EnvisionTEC is a reliable machine built specifically for clinicians and labs. It offers the ultimate in flexibility for fast customized production of a wide variety of dental and orthodontic products. The Vida is easy to use and compatible with 3Shape and other design software.
- This desktop 3D printer can quickly produce bite splints or night guards, dental or orthodontic models, partial dentures, temporary restorations, indirect bonding trays, wax-ups and surgical guides.
Extreme accuracy
- Across the entire build try - not just the center. The Vida offers XY resolution of 73 microns, while the Vida Hi-Res is even better. Both Vida models meet the ABO's accuracy recommendations.
- Whether you want to 3D print 4 or 5 night guards in 45 minutes or 4 models for thermoformed aligners in about an hour, the Vida is a productivity workhorse.
- Every day the Vida is making dental and orthodontic practices more competitive. Dentists become quickly responsive to patient needs with lower costs.
- EnvisionTEC has been developing and manufacturing 3D printers for 15 years and offer reliable, quality machines with outstanding warranties and support, including training.